Why is Tapos so popular?
Tapos, a leading platform, has rapidly gained popularity in the cinema industry due to its cutting-edge cinema ticketing capabilities, among other remarkable features.
Paperless cinema ticketing
Many of our arthouse customers are bug on paperless cinema ticketing – savvy regular customers who want to buy their ticket online, and just show their phone to go into the auditorium. We were the first cinema ticketing company in the world to use Android and iPhone for paperless ticketing, and we have one of the quickest and most reliable solutions available.
Food & Beverage
Many of our arthouse customers have more advanced food offerings, needing modifiers, kitchen printers, kitchen collection screens and even pagers and online food sales. This is a great example of features that have often been standard in Tapos for many years and are very well tested and advanced, ready for you to make your arthouse the cinema of your (and everyone else’s) dreams!
Tabs and Tips
In addition to the food and beverage options in our cinema PoS, operators are able to save food orders to tables and virtual tables, and then recall them later for adding more items, and taking payment. Tipping is easily handled on the pinpad, with the cinema being able to set its own recommended tip values, and include a custom option.
Double Features, Multibills and Marathons
Arthouses love a double feature or a season or different movies – and often a film festival! With Tapos we include full support for double features, multibills (like double features but more movies!) and movie marathons that can be all on the same day, or spread over a weekend, or over a year or more. Income is assigned to individual films, for fully separated on the back end for full film remittance and reporting.